Week Eight: Performance and performance spaces
Hi All
To think there is only a couple of weeks left of seminars then I’ll have to start creating a miniature performance with my trusty classmates, Heather and Selma in less than two months. No pressure…
For this seminar session, we discussed an past production we have seen which left an impact on us in terms of the spacing or its location or even the context of the performance.
I recalled a performance I saw back in 2009 with my performing arts apprenticeship class. The performance was called This is it, well it was a physical theatre piece. Now for anyone who knows me I’m not much of a physical theatre fan but it was part of the course that I went, much to my dismay. Yet I think the reason why it left an impact on me was the smell of the tiny performance space. The stage was set in the transverse style having only two actors present on stage. Now the theatre itself was not an actual theatre, the ground floor was a pub that was still in full working order. The cureent owner decided to turn the upper floor into a performance space. However the performance space was set in a cage. Yes very odd, but I really enjoyed it. The smell that kept presenting itself throughout the performance was the smell of beer and other spirits.
During the seminar we discussed about performances, and while everything is a performance or not. Space awareness as well bringing famous people into theatre, especially the story Daniel (our tutor this week) told us.
We watched a few clips of different style of performances in different spaces.
That’s pretty much it for this session as it was a verbal discussion.
See you next week.
Bye x